To link a label to a database perform the following steps:

  1. Create the label using the design wizard
  2. Select Edit->Database->Linked Database on the menu.
  3. Click Next
  4. Select the database file you want to link to by clicking the Select File button if it does not happen automatically.
  5. Click Next, then Finish

To insert fields from the database into the label:

  1. Select Add Database Field in the Quick Tools panel

To insert a single field into a single text object:

    1. Select the field you want to insert
    2. Click Add Field

To insert multiple fields into a single text object:

    1. Click the + button to expand the dialog box
    2. Select the field you want to insert
    3. Click Add Field
    4. Repeat steps 2, 3 until all the fields you need have been inserted.